In the United States, 63% of homes have garages. The percentage is even higher in the Midwest.
Owning a garage door means you need to know how to maintain a garage door. There are several things you need to do to keep a garage door in good condition.
Basic routine maintenance to make sure that your garage door works smoothly when you need it.
Most of the basic maintenance on your garage door will be the same all year. Only seasons with extreme weather have additional steps that must be taken. A properly functioning garage can act as protection for your vehicle and yard equipment against the elements.
A properly functioning garage will also raise the value of your property. The average garage adds over $33,000 to your property value. The average rate of return on a garage when you sell your home is 81%.
Basics of How to Maintain a Garage Door
There are several different ways you can give your garage door routine maintenance. As with most things, giving your garage door a bit of TLC will extend its life and help prevent it from malfunctioning. Or worse, breaking down outright.
It’s easier and less expensive to do upkeep on something rather than wait to have to replace the entire system. Here are a few of our tips:
Pay Attention to How the Door Operates
Garage doors move up and down a lot. As you open and close your garage make sure to pay attention to how the door operates. It should move slowly without any unusual noises. Any hang-ups or slips will be very noticeable if you are watching.
This will give you an idea of what is wrong with your garage door if anything does happen. It could be a simple fix. Not knowing that your garage door is working poorly can lead to a much larger repair. Catching any problems early will save you money in the long run.
Make Sure Nothing Is Loose
This applies mostly to the rollers and bolts in the door and track. Check for any looseness or wiggle in the rollers. If they are not tight it can cause wear and damage to the door and the track. Tightening up the bolts and rollers is quite easy and can be done with a socket.
Keep the Track Clear
Each season you face additional difficulties with keeping the track clear. Make sure snow and ice don’t accumulate against the door or in the cracks. Yard debris from mowing and wind can make a garage door stick. Making sure there are no obstructions in the path of your garage door is the first step in how to maintain a garage door.
Make Sure the Door Itself Is in Good Order
If you have an older garage this is especially important. Wooden doors can become damaged and splintered near the bottom. Steel doors can rust. Make sure that the paint on your garage door isn’t flaking off. Paint serves as the first line of defense against corrosion and rot. If the pain is chipping, you will need to repaint your garage door. This is true of the garage itself as well. Sanding away rust so you can repaint it is important too.
Prepare Your Garage Door for Seasonal Change
Look for an in-depth guide on how to winterize. Each season does have its difficulties. If your town experiences a lot of rain, make sure the roof is in proper order. This is especially true in the Midwest during spring and summer. Heavy wind and storms can cause damage to the roof and walls. Make sure the windows don’t leak. During fall sudden ice and cause damage if moisture has built up in the walls. How to maintain your garage door is to be prepared for the challenges of each season.
Make Sure Your Cables Are in Good Order
Do not try to repair a cable yourself. You should inspect them for damage only. The high-tension lines can cause serious injury and could even kill you. If you notice any damage to the cables contact a professional who can safely repair your door. Damage to the cables can take a couple of forms. First, the cables must be taut, and you should inspect for any fraying. Fraying is when the cable looks like it is coming apart. Do not tug, twist or pull on the cable as it is unnecessary.
Make Sure That Your Moving Parts Are Lubricated
When you operate your door, it should not sound like metal is scraping on metal. Make sure that the moving pieces are lubricated. There is a garage door lubricant you can purchase. The rollers should be lubricated and checked often.
Inspect the Outside of Your Garage
Changes in weather and humidity can cause damage to the exterior of your garage. Make sure leaves are not piling up against your garage. If dry leaves can be a fire hazard. If they are moist they will help promote rot and could damage the paint. Inspect the foundation of the garage as well. If you are in an area that experiences infrequent earthquakes damage could occur without you knowing it. Every month take a walk around your garage and make sure that the walls are clear and the foundation intact.
Garage Doors Are an Investment
Garages can be very valuable. They can provide shelter for vehicles and equipment. They can provide workspace for carpentry. They help keep us out of the elements when we work on our vehicles. Some people even use them as large storage sheds. All of these things are what make garages so useful. If your garage door is not operational you can’t enjoy any of these benefits. Protect the value of your property by maintaining your garage and garage door all year long.
Repairs or Fixing Garage Doors
If you need to repair a garage door you don’t have to do it alone. Some businesses specialize in making sure your garage works properly. They will take care of the inspection and regular maintenance. Hiring someone is one good way how to maintain a garage door. If your is damaged or need to be replaced, you may need to consider getting a new garage door. If you are in Oklahoma and need someone you can trust, contact us today at Discount Garage Door. We can fix any damage your door may have or sell you a new door.
Posted 12/16/2019 3:44:00 PM by Discount Garage Door